Professionele leerkracht
What would you complete the missing gaps with? Why? Read the text below and complete each blank with one word. Gianni Versace was one of the (1) _MOST_____ successful fashion designers (2) _IN or DURING_____ the 1980s and 1990s. He was born in 1946, in Reggio, a (3) ____VERY__small town in Italy, where he learnt how to make clothes. In (4) _THE_____beginning, he sold his clothes to (5) ___A___manufacturer in Milan, but he was not as popular then (6) __AS____he was in later years. Very quickly he developed a personal style, which made him famous. He used bright colours and, over time, his clothes became more and (7) __MORE____extravagant. The more successful his collections were, the (8) __MORE____his talent was acknowledged. Celebrities (9) __LIKE____Princess Diana and Elton John loved his style. Versace also paid the (10) ______attention to his surroundings (11) ______he did to his clothes and spent (12) __LOTS____ of money on art and expensive furniture.Versace’s fame, however, is just (13) __ONE____ side of this story of style, which ended suddenly with his death (14) __IN____ the summer of 1997. Some fashion critics have described his clothes (15) __AS____ “fabulous rubbish” and criticised him for using cheap materials. Nevertheless, he has to be seen as one of the most influential designers of his generation.
22 apr. 2019 11:05
Antwoorden · 4
10 = the same, because we are comparing with the text that is coming. The same detail to his surroundings as to his clothes. 11 =as this is a common comparator we use, in this type of sentence. "as" = adverb used in comparisons to refer to the extent or degree of something. It is what Natives instinctively use and are taught to use by repeated example and constant hearing from birth. So to a native born English speaker it is not as difficult to select this option as it is for second language learners.
22 april 2019
10 = same 11= as
22 april 2019
10 = same 11 = as
22 april 2019
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