English Grammar Hi friends, which one is right? Longman Dictionary says the first one is right but it seems weird since "of" has already implied the possessive meaning. Here is the link to the Longman Dictionary. https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/yours. I know the first one is right in the second set of the sentence, I just wrote it for you guys to compare it. 1. I have read that book of yours or I have read that book of you? 2. There is a stone inside of me or there is a stone inside of mines
7 mei 2020 13:40
Antwoorden · 1
Kai, the first one is correct- when you say "i read that book of yours", you are implying that they have owned the book and possibly you are borrowing it, or that they are the author of the book. For the second to be true, you would say, "i have read that book about you." meaning, the book was about the person you are speaking to.
7 mei 2020
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