Complete the expressions with the correct form of the word in bold. The first sentence in each case is the example, the second sentence is what I had to fill: 1 an "uplifting" experience feel .....uplifted..... by a speech 2 the "tension" builds throughout the novel the atmosphere in the room was very .....tense..... . 3 Her early work is quite "ambiguous" he answered rather .....ambiguously..... 4 We will have to "confront" the problem immediately a violent .....confrontation..... with the police 5 The statue had to undergo important "restoration" It took fifty years to fully .....restore..... the building
18 jun. 2020 12:30
Antwoorden · 2
Thank you very much, Chris!
18 juni 2020
Looks good! Great work!
18 juni 2020
Heb je je antwoorden nog steeds niet gevonden?
Schrijf je vragen op en laat de moedertaalsprekers je helpen!