“date of join” or “date of joined” - which is correct in this context? Hi friends, With regard to an employee who has already joined the organization, which should be used - “date of join” or “date of joined”? For an example, an employee joined the organization in 2018 – What is your date of join or What is your date of joined? Thanks in advance, Niwantha
17 aug. 2020 08:25
Antwoorden · 4
On official documents this is usually recorded as 'date of employment' or 'start date', rather then 'date joined'. So the question would be, 'what was your date of employment?' or in a less formal way. 'when did you start?' You could also ask, 'what date did you join the company?'.
17 augustus 2020
17 augustus 2020
Hi! I would personally change the expression in its entirety to 'contract start date' or something along those lines, it would sound more professional. However, you could also keep the original expression but in that case, I would go for 'date of joining'. Cheers, Mattia
17 augustus 2020
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