English Learner
what is the meaning of "funky" and "get funky"???
18 okt. 2009 20:54
Antwoorden · 5
Funky is a very hard word to translate as it has a few different meanings. On the one hand it can refer to a strong, unpleasant odor. For example, someone's breath can smell really funky! (not a compliment) In regard to clothing it doesn't mean fashionable but rather the opposite-outlandish, clashing etc. For example, if a woman walks in with a checkered outfit in bright purple, yellow and green..it might be very original but people will say, "Wow, did you get a look at the funky outfit she was wearing?" (not a compliment).On the other hand if it is weird looking but interesting then it can be complimentary . For example sometimes a shirt or dress can have an outlandish pattern that strangely enough works so that people will use the same word to compliment it such as , "Wow, that shirt is funky!" or "I love that funky purse!" The same can go for a funky room, it can be so wild it is horrible or weird and yet very cool , for example a hotel room set up to look like a room in a cruise ship complete with boat-like port windows and decorations is a bit weird but can be very enjoyable. In music, Funky refers to certain types of jazz or soul music with a strong, rhythmic beat. "Get funky" is an even harder expression to translate. Its simplest meaning is to go a little wild and crazy in dancing or partying behavior -not to the point of obnoxiousness but to be a little less inhibited.
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19 oktober 2009
Hello Nina, Yeh the usage of the word "funky" varies a lot . Informally it could refer to " passionate and soulful " music. It could also mean tastelessly indecent. As a slang it means also " evil smelling" or it could mean a "foul". It is said that "funk" has often been used to mean tobacco smoke and may derive from the Latin 'fumar' ( to smoke). By one account funky was applied to the smoky interior of jazz clubs and the somewhat ripe smell of the denizens thereof, from there was extended to the music, and finally acquired its current meaning of "hip in a down-and-dirty sort of way or being offensively malodorous. In general the word remains an informal expression to use and can't be used decently to compliment someone. If a teenage girl is wearing an offbeat outfit , she might like her outfit to be complimented as a trend-setting 'funky' wear , but no Lady would be flattered to hear for example " You dress is funky ". It will rather have a negative connotation.
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19 oktober 2009
Hello Nina It's an adjective and means interesting, strange, weird, not conventional, Somewhat complimentary. eg : "You have a funky shirt"
19 oktober 2009
It's a slang and means very fashionable,especially because not within the established standards or ordinary society. For example.."She has some really funky clothes"
18 oktober 2009
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