Es ist zeit zu gehen?!
13 dec. 2007 18:00
Antwoorden · 5
"its time to go" if you mean the English translation
16 december 2007
Salam'a'Leikum Salma, Kef Haleg ? ;) yeah, you're absolutely right with the syntax and everything else. A correct german sentence. ;) But the proper translation into English is: "It's time to go!" NOT "Its..." "It's" is the abbreviation for "It is" as you know. "Its" is a different word.
23 december 2007
"Its time to go "is the correct answer
23 december 2007
What do u mean? Was meinst du?
14 december 2007
hallo ich spreche deutsch roberto
13 december 2007
Heb je je antwoorden nog steeds niet gevonden?
Schrijf je vragen op en laat de moedertaalsprekers je helpen!