What is the accepted word for three times a year and once in three years? like biannual and biennial for twice a year and once in two years Thanks
11 mrt. 2010 06:02
Antwoorden · 3
You could use triannual (3 times a year) and triennial (every 3 years). However, it is more common to use phrases like "once every 4 months" and "once every 3 years" as the words sound almost alike but the phrases are very clear.
11 maart 2010
In three month intervals = Quarterly
14 maart 2010
True: it is technically possible to continue using the latin numbers (tri-, quad-, quint-, sex/hex-, sept-) for such examples, but in most cases you wouldn't use it for more than 2 or 3 times. It sounds too clumsy if you continue the pattern 'ad nauseam'.
11 maart 2010
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