how can i say 600 , 800 , 150 million in Japanese ? and why we say 376,475 = san juu nana man.. not san juuma
24 apr. 2010 22:43
Antwoorden · 2
Yeah Japanese counting method differs from one in English. In Japanese, we have a particular names to count numbers in every 4 digit "four zeros" period. For instance, Independents: ichi juu hyaku sen [1 10 100 1000] Mans: 1man 10man 100man 1000man [10000 100000 1000000 10000000] Okus: 1oku 10oku 100oku 1000oku [100000000 1000000000 10000000000 100000000000] However, in English, there are names in every 3 digit "three zeros" period. Independents: one teen hundred [1 10 100] Thusands: Thusand TenThusand HundredThusand [1,000 10,000 100,000] Millions: OneMillion TenMillion HundredMillon [1,000,000 10,000,000 100,000,000] Billions: OneBillion TenBillion HundredBillion [1,000,000,000 10,000,000,000 100,000,000,000] Thus, >how can i say 600 , 800 , 150 million in Japanese ? refer ⇒ Man: 1man 10man 100man 1000man [10000 100000 1000000 10000000] refer ⇒ Oku: 1oku 10oku 100oku 1000oku [100000000 1000000000 10000000000 100000000000] 600,000,000 roku-oku 800,000,000 hachi-oku 150,000,000 (ichioku+gosenman)= IchiokuGosenman And >why we say 376,475 = san juu nana man.. not san juuma " refer ⇒Man: 1man 10man 100man 1000man [10000 100000 1000000 10000000] 370000 sanjuu nana man + 6475 rokusen yonhyaku nanajuu go =376475 sanjuunanaman rokusen yonhyaku nanajyu go さんじゅうななまんろくせんよんひゃくななじゅうご If you still have a question why we say in this way, just remember this is how we say =)
25 april 2010
This is a good question. The unit of the number is changed on every 3 digits in English but on every 4 digits in Japanese. For example in English, 100(10^2)=hundred("hundred" is always used just before proceeding the next unit because you need to change the unit on every 3 digit ) 1,000 (10^3)= thousand 1,000,000(10^6)= million 1,000,000,000'(10^9)=billion 1,000,000,000,000(10^12)=trillion but in Japan , we use the following expression . 1,000 sen = thousand (10^3) ("sen" is always used just before proceeding the next unit because you need to change the unit on every 4 digits) 10,000 man =ten thousand (10^4) 100,000,000 oku = one hundred million (10^8) 1,000,000,000,000 tixyou= 1 trillion (10^12) so the answer is 600 million = 6 oku (roku-oku) 800 million = 8 oku (hachi-oku) 150 million = 1oku 5 sen man (ichi-oku go-sen-man) in Japanese. >>and why we say 376,475 You can say 37san-jyuu nana-man 6 roku-sen 4 yon-hyaku 7nana-jyuu 5 go This homepage is helpful to know counting. (Example)
25 april 2010
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