Adelus M
I want to know more about Ming dynasty !
19 mei 2010 11:51
Antwoorden · 5
I recommend a book for you those thing in the ming dynasty (chinese name is<明朝那些事》) in writing of the moon(当年明月). it's nice and easy to understand .
19 mei 2010
try to find the english versions of the following books at your side. "風雪定陵" by 楊仕 & 岳南 "萬曆十五年" by 黃仁宇 they tell the stories about "明神宗" .
21 mei 2010
Hello Adelus, Some more links including info about the Ming dynasty: * * * *
19 mei 2010
19 mei 2010
Which part is you want to know??
19 mei 2010
Heb je je antwoorden nog steeds niet gevonden?
Schrijf je vragen op en laat de moedertaalsprekers je helpen!