握手言和 ,和好如初等如何用英語表达? 和某人吵架后,希望和他和好如初应该怎么用英语表达? “我希望能和他和好如初”应如何用英语翻译?兩位朋友,謝謝你們回答我的問題,但我不懂你們的意思。
11 aug. 2010 01:57
Antwoorden · 3
I hope to make up with him.
11 augustus 2010
11 augustus 2010
If Google's original aim was to force an admission of culpability, shake hands and move on, it has failed. 如果谷歌的初衷是迫使对方承认错误,然后双方握手言和,让事件告一段落,那么该公司已经失败。 I hope his days. 我希望能和他和好如初。
11 augustus 2010
Heb je je antwoorden nog steeds niet gevonden?
Schrijf je vragen op en laat de moedertaalsprekers je helpen!