I want to have a part-time job as an interpreter in shanghai,if you want to learn Chinese,tell me^^
If anyone want to know more about Chinese,culture,custorm,travel in shanghai,you can keep in touch with me~
In a few feeks I will have microphone and camera and then we can Chat on MSN over Voice Chat. So then I can teach you better how to speak german and maybe you then can teach me better chinese (only if you have microphone and camera of course).
17 maart 2008
hey...how r u..
if u don't mind teach me please..
have a nice day yeah!
16 maart 2008
hey wish you have a part-time job^^ , And I realy have a guestion about chinese. there are many kind of it like "mandarin and shangaiese". If someone want to learn chinese which one he should learn.
16 maart 2008
Heb je je antwoorden nog steeds niet gevonden?
Schrijf je vragen op en laat de moedertaalsprekers je helpen!