[Gedeactiveerde gebruiker]
How do the Americans pronounce the word "water"? I think the British pronunciation to this word is very clear.
20 sep. 2010 23:21
Antwoorden · 6
I also think the American pronunciation is clear, especially in pronouncing the R at the end, which is often dropped or softened in Brit/Aus speech. But it also has a lot to do with how well you recognise the pronunciation, not just the clarity. This vlog includes the Australian presenter explaining how she tried to order water in a New York restaurant... :) www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3bXh-EY_V0
21 september 2010
WARRER the T is kind of silent
21 september 2010
21 september 2010
How do Americans pronounce the word "water"? Sort of between [waw-ter] and [waw-der].
21 september 2010
water: [waw-ter or wot-er]
20 september 2010
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