15 feb. 2011 16:43
Antwoorden · 2
add fuel,bread in front,your mother is waiting for you,mind your legs,speed up,more strength please,quick,or you will be beaten,you lazy tortoise or something i can guess such as killing spree,whole shit,like eat a shit,bulls chasing you,be striken by a donkey in the back,like headless bears rushing around, i believe the expression is a lot while only a little can be used.
16 februari 2011
I guess the closet one is "come on"? Not said like the cheer square(?)s though, usually person-to-person. "You can do it", "good job", "keep up the good work", etc.
15 februari 2011
Heb je je antwoorden nog steeds niet gevonden?
Schrijf je vragen op en laat de moedertaalsprekers je helpen!