i can not identify the difference for the pronunciation of "era" and "error" . i can not identify the difference for the pronunciation of "era" and "error" ,though they have different phonetic symbols. if you are native speaker,can you identify the difference.thax
26 apr. 2011 08:30
Antwoorden · 13
It totally depends on your accent! In Canada, we say era "air ah" and error "air or".
26 april 2011
I'm not a native speaker, but I show you the easiest trick to know the differents, http://translate.google.com/#auto|en|error click "listen" the one that have a "speaker" icon in it, so you able listen to how it pronounce error. http://translate.google.com/#auto|en|era click "listen" the one that have a "speaker" icon in it, so you able listen to how it pronounce era. You also can install encarta dictionary, it provide you with pronounce tools that can show you how the each words is pronounce in English. Hope this will help you.
26 april 2011
There are pronounciations of the two here: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/File:En-us-era.ogg http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/File:en-us-error.ogg It seems you understand phonetics so you should be able to go back and discern the difference.
26 april 2011
era= "ee-raah" error="eh-ruhrr"
26 april 2011
I am not native speaker, but let me try to answer... era ---- yi ra (in chinese pronounciation) error --- eh (like in echo) and reur (like in her)....
26 april 2011
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