what does “Not if ”mean in the picture?
20 jan. 2025 11:11
Antwoorden · 3
It's gibberish, because you're reading a book that is either machine translated or written by someone who hasn't mastered English... "Black event" is straight out of Chinese. Contextually, I guess "Not if" means you have triumphed over X, *unless* you are still reminded of Y. "True conquest is the causing the calamity" hahaha. This is incredibly incorrect. Get a better book. This one is doing damage to your English.
20 jan. 2025 18:12
I agree with CF990: this is very bad English. Hopefully there is another book you can use.
21 jan. 2025 06:35
"not if" = "I won't see (believe) it if"
20 jan. 2025 22:33
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