阿穆尔 (ā mù ěr)
I seldom listen to Chinese songs, because most of them are about love, and I am very tired after listening to them.
10 sep. 2024 08:44
Antwoorden · 2
Yeah, for some reason the people who make the media like to make everything about romance. We have the same problem in the US. I think there should be songs about a variety of topics so that more people can enjoy listening to music.
10 sep. 2024 16:07
I have the same problem with English music.
10 sep. 2024 14:10
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阿穆尔 (ā mù ěr)
Chinees (Mandarijn), Chinees (Kantonees), Chinees (Hakka), Chinees (Taiwanees), Engels, Japans, Mongools, Oeigoers, Oezbeeks
Taal die wordt geleerd
Chinees (Kantonees), Chinees (Hakka), Chinees (Taiwanees), Engels, Japans, Mongools, Oeigoers, Oezbeeks