My name is Lynnet Njeru, born and bred in Kenya where Swahili is our national language. My first language was Swahili and I use it 99% of the time when I am around my friends. The 1% is probably when I have to interact with someone new who does not know Swahili.
Mijn creaties
Ik als leerkracht
I am more of a community teacher than a professional teacher. I am privileged to interact and teach Swahili to people from different parts of the world who visit my home for a different program. Taking this skill to the online community makes me confident that you will be great a teacher to you as I have been to my guests.
Mijn lessen en manier van lesgeven
My lessons are designed for people travelling to Swahili speaking countries as tourists, volunteers, or for business trips. Expect to have very casual learning conversations where you will not even know you are in class.