Uit SlowakijeWoont in Other, Oostenrijk (15:28 UTC+01:00)
Over mij
italki leerkracht sinds 17 Feb 2020
InterestsReizenEnvironment & NatureITSportReading
Hi Everyone,
It's nice to meet you. My name is Juraj and I love to learn and teach foreign languages. I am originally from Slovakia, currently living in Austria. I would like to help you with learning Slovak and English.
I am a Slovak native speaker. I am passionate about learning foreign languages, skiing, biking and hiking. I love to explore new places, countries and cultures. Spending time in the nature is the best relax for me.
volám sa Juraj a milujem cudzie jazyky. Pochádzam zo Slovenska a v sučastnosti žijem v Rakúsku.
Rád by som ti pomohol so Slovenčinou a Angličtinou.
Ik als leerkracht
I know how hard can be learning foreign languages. Because of that, me and my friend we decided to establish a language exchange club where we are helping to Slovak friends and students from abroad to improve their language skill.
During our session we are using entertaining methods in order to improve their English and Slovak language skills.
The project helped me to better understand needs of the people who are learning a foreign language. Currently, I am learning my third foreign language so I exactly know what is the process of learning a foreign language about.
For several years, I have been working for various international companies where I mastered my English as well.
Mijn lessen en manier van lesgeven
Lessons with me will be structured according to your level and your needs. For some people is the best way how to learn a foreign language to start speaking the language they learning right away, for other people is important to learn basic vocabulary at the binning. Depending on your needs and preferences, I will adjust the lessons just for you and use various entertaining methods in order to help you.
I hope to see you in my class soon!
Dúfam že sa čoskoro uvidíme na našej spoločnej hodine.