2023 - 2024
Master - Postgrad Diploma in English Teaching MethodologyUninterPostgraduate Diploma in English Language Teaching Methodology 360 hours
A postgraduate diploma program focusing on Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition, Corpus Linguistics and Vocabulary Acquisition, Phonetics and Phonology, English Language Teaching Approaches and Methods, Evaluation Processes.
2018 - 2019
Bachelor’s - Marketing DegreeEstacio
2024 - 2025
Master - Postgraduate Diploma in PsychoanalysisUninterPostgraduate Diploma in Psychoanalysis 480 hours
1989 - 1990
Bachelor’s - Teaching Qualification Degree & C2 ProficiencyUniCEUBTeaching Qualification Degree (Complementação Pedagógica):
Complementação Pedagógica is a teaching qualification degree offered by Brazilian universities. It encompasses courses in Psychology and Pedagogy. The combination of Complementação Pedagógica and Cambridge C2 Proficiency was recognized by the Ministry of Education in Brazil as an English teaching qualification for primary and secondary schools. My certificate for this teaching qualification was issued by the Ministry of Education.
2020 - 2021
Master - Postgraduate Diploma in Neuro-PsychopedagogyUninterPostgraduate Diploma in Neuro-Psychopedagogy 480 hours
A postgraduate diploma program including courses in the fields of neuroscience, cognitive psychology, neuroscience of language, learning & memory, neuroeducation, neuroscience of emotions, human sexuality, learning disorders, neuropsychomotor development, social skills, active learning strategies, the nervous system, educational theories and pedagogy.
2024 - 2025
Master - Postgraduate Diploma in CBTUninterPostgraduate Diploma in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, CBT, 510 hours Clinical Psychology
This course deals with the treatment of several problems, including anxiety. It helps me to understand the anxiety that students feel when speaking English and gives me an insight into strategies that can help students overcome this obstacle.
2021 - 2021
Master - Postgraduate Diploma in Educational PsychologyUninterPostgraduate Diploma in Educational Psychology 480 hours
A postgraduate diploma program focusing on various aspects related to learning such as cognition, memory, attention, emotions, anxiety, unconscious processes, psychoanalysis, stages of child development, and several educational theories.
2024 - 2025
Master - Diploma in Neuroscience & Physics of ConsciousnessUninterPostgraduate Diploma in Neuroscience and Physics of Consciousness 360 hours
Topics included:
Theory of the new unconscious, Quantum Physics, Consciousness, Decision Making, Intuition, Evolution & Human behavior, Neuroscience of Conscience, Interdisciplinary perspectives in the study of consciousness; Cognition, Attention & Executive Functions; Emotion, Learning & Memory; Experiences that suggest unorthodox conceptions about consciousness, Neuroscience of consciousness and its modified states
2020 - 2020
Master - Postgraduate Diploma in NeuromarketingUninterPostgraduate Diploma in Neuromarketing 360 hours
A postgraduate diploma focusing on Neuromarketing and mainly on how decision making is affected by unconscious desires and cognition, context and other psychological factors such as attention, emotion, memory and subliminal factors such as sounds, smells, colors and visual displays.