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5,614 lessen
Feel free to contact me or take a trial lesson! I'd love to help you achieve your goal! よろしくおねがいします! [For adult learners] わたしは これまで 約(やく)3年間(ねんかん)、 Italkiで 3000レッスン以上(いじょう)、 200人(にん)以上(いじょう)の生徒(せいと)たちに 日本語(にほんご)を教(おし)えました。 I have been teaching Japanese to over 100 students and offering over 1000 lessons on Italki for about 1 year. それから わたしは 日本語学習者(にほんごがくしゅうしゃ)のための ウェブサイトを 無料(むりょう)で 提供(ていきょう)しています。 Also, I'm running my own website for Japanese learners for free. [For parents and guardians of kids who want to learn Japanese] わたしは 以前(いぜん) カナダで ボランティアとして 日本語(にほんご)を 教(おし)えていました。 I was teaching Japanese to kids as a volunteer in Canada. いま Italkiで わたしは 子供(こども)たちにも 日本語(にほんご)を 教(おし)えています。 I am currently teaching Japanese to kids as well on Italki.
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Jessica Kaku
Qualified Teacher for Adults and Kids/JLPTN1-N5 preparation I have a Bachelor's degree in Japanese language and I finished a 420-hour Japanese teaching course. I started teaching online as a Japanese teacher in May 2020, and I've taught students at various levels from beginners to advanced level. Book a trail lesson with me, I'll customize based on your needs. let's have fun.^^ 初心者から上級者までの学生がいます。日常会話レッスンはもちろん、N5からN1のテスト準備も指導しています。英語と中国語を使った間接法で教えることも可能です。 初回の会話レッスンで、学生たちの弱みや強みをつかみ、一人一人に沿ったレッスンを提供します。 是非一度体験レッスンを受けてみてください。 お待ちしております。
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I have taught children as young as five years old. For children, I use puppets and power point slides to learn words and grammar together. Conversation lessons are fun tool for the Japanese learners to talk about their favorite things, recent news, or about their family and friends.
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Saori Shinkai
Complete beginners are welcome! Let's learn with fun! I think "Speaking a lot" is very important to improve languages. So, I will encourage you to speak a lot. Also I can help you to give more natural expressions and I am good at teaching pronunciation. Let's build up phrases that you can use in actual situations!!
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🎊I'm ranked in the top 1% of Japanese teachers on italki.🌸Welcome to absolute beginners. -I am certificated Japanese teacher and teaching Japanese for eight years. -I can teach Japanese from the absolute beginner to advanced level. -I have experience teaching Japanese at Japanese language school in Tokyo with direct method (teaching Japanese in Japanese) and also giving private lessons to business people with indirect method (teaching Japanese in English) through agencies.
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Japanese school teacher / Reporter /Professional pronunciation instructor / Kimono instructor I would like to introduce Japanese culture and learn about the cultures of various countries. There are students from various countries at the Japanese language school, and I think it's wonderful that they are all connected through friendship, regardless of politics. I strive to provide bright and fun classes and provide careful instruction. A qualified professional Japanese teacher. This lesson is aimed at everyone from those learning Japanese for the first time to advanced learners.
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Explore Japanese Language and Culture with a Friendly, Passionate Teacher! I’m friendly, flexible, and patient, and I believe having a supportive guide can make a big difference when learning a new language. I’m here to encourage you when you feel stuck and motivate you on your journey. Let’s work together to build your confidence in Japanese! :)
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東京在住、日本語講師。ビジネス会話から日常会話まで広く対応可能。 Let's Practice Conversion!! For who planning to travel to JAPAN For who planning to live in JAPAN For who planning to study in JAPAN For who want to know Japanese culture I offer conversation practice that suits your situation!! Also I can help you improve your particular skills in listening, writing, reading, and speaking. I live in TOKYO. I have many of local information (especially TOKYO) in the field of travel and gourmet food. For who thinking about traveling to Japan. I will also provide advice on travel plans and local spot recommendation during the lesson. Please feel free to ask. I also will show you introduction of real life matelial in Japan. Feel and touch japanese culture.
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2024年も一緒に日本語をがんばりましょう〜!! I learnt teaching of Japanese as minor and have a certificated JLTC Test. I have experience teaching Japanese at secondary school in Melbourne, Australia. And now I'm teaching Japanese with all levels at language school in Osaka. Also I am an English-learner. (Recently I've started learning Chinese as well) So I can imagine how you feel when you learn new languages. Please don't be nervous in my class and enjoy learning Japanese with me ! 大学で日本語を教える勉強をして、日本語教育能力検定試験にも合格しています。 卒業後(そつぎょうご)、オーストラリア メルボルンの高校で日本語を教えていました。 2020年から大阪の日本語学校で、JLPT対策(たいさく)や初級~上級の学生に教えています。 また、日本の大学に行きたい学生やIT専門学校の学生にも日本語を教えています。
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My mother-tongue is Korean. But I've learned English, Japanese and Chinese. So I truly understand how difficult learning languages is. I'm very positive, patient and enthusiastic. And I prepare each lesson only for A student. For example, if a student has a tendency to make mistakes using the present perfect, I usually prepare more focused lessons that he or she can repeatedly practice using the present perfect. I believe you could learn more through the mistakes that you make. And I will be there for you to correct or coach whenever you need it. You are going to be very very proud of yourself in the end. Let's have fun learning!!
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Certified Japanese teacher with overseas teaching experience I lived in Canada for three years and taught at Japanese language and culture schools for children in Vancouver and Montreal. I really enjoyed teaching there and this motivated me to complete my Japanese language teaching certification and pass the Japanese Language Education Proficiency Test. After getting the certificate, I started teaching Japanese. 以前3年間、カナダに住んでいました。バンクーバーとモントリオールの日本語と文化を教える学校で子供たちに日本語を教えました。それがとても楽しかったので、日本語教師養成講座を修了して、日本語教育能力試験を受けようと決めました。合格した後、日本語を教え始めました。
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Olivia オリビア
🌸Professional Japanese teacher🌸5+ yrs Japanese teaching exp. 🌻修讀了日本語教師課程+N1合格🌻 5年+授課經驗🌻擅長初級日語 When I was a school Japanese teacher I was teaching from beginner class, also private Japanese tuition from kids to adults for more than 5 years, helping the students practice oral speaking. My students are learning Japanese for travel, JLPT preparation, Japan further study, Japanese for Job or Business, Japanese for friends making or Anime etc. I could provide tailor made lessons according to your learning needs. 我當日語老師實習的時候,主要教授初級日語班。 另外, 我有5年嘅家教經驗, 對象由小朋友到大人, 我會引導學生自然開口說,快速、紮實記憶日語。 我的學生學習日語的原因, 有的是爲了去日本旅遊, 有的是為了工作需要,有的是為交日本人朋友或鐘意動漫等。我可以根據你的學習需要提供量身定做的課程。 我有學習日文及韓文的經驗,我會以學習者的觀點來爲你制定課程計劃。 ✨學咗好快唔记得? ✨記起來的日文講唔出口? 文法好難,唔會用? ✨搵唔到開口講嘅機會? ✨教科書同生活上嘅日文唔一樣? ✨JLTP想1-TAKE PASS? Oliva老師來幫你~輕鬆開口說日語
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The fun continues! Won't you join me in enjoying the beautiful world of Japanese together? 大学(だいがく)では日本語教育(にほんごきょういく)を専攻(せんこう)し、約(やく)10年間(ねんかん)日本語(にほんご)を教えて(おしえて)いました。 I majored in Teaching Japanese as a second language at university and I have 10 year- teaching experience. 日本語学校(にほんごがっこう)だけではなく、企業(きぎょう)のインテンシブコースを担当(たんとう)したり、プライベートレッスンでカフェや生徒(せいと)さんのうちや会社(かいしゃ)で教えて(おしえて)いました。I taught Japanese not only at a language school but also at a company for an intensive Japanese course ,and was also teaching for private lessons at cafes and students' homes or offices.
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経験豊富な日本語教師です。More than 9 years teaching experiences! After graduating, I worked in the Marketing department of a clothing company in Japan.After getting married and having two daugters,I started studying to become a Japanese teacher.I got a qualification in 2015.I also teach you Japanese for your buisiness and for JLPT to pass it.I have met my students several times in Japan. I saw cherry blossoms with students who came to Japan this spring! It was the most enjoyable experience as a Japanese language teacher. 以前は会社員をしていましたが、出産後日本語教師になりたいと思い一生懸命勉強して資格を取りました。会社員の経験がありますから、ビジネス日本語やJLPT合格のための授業もすることができます。日本へ遊びに来た生徒さんと会ったことが数回あります。今年の春も、日本へ遊びに来てくれた生徒さんとは一緒に食事しましたよ!とても楽しかったです。
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日本の文化庁指定の420時間カリキュラムを修了し、日本で働く外国人の方やベトナムの日系企業で働く生徒さんと授業をしています。日本人が日常生活で使う”生きた日本語”を、会話を中心に勉強しましょう。 楽しみましょう!リラックスしてたくさん会話することが大切です。私も外国語を勉強しているので、外国語を勉強することの難しさを知っています。でも、勉強した言葉が、ネイティブとの会話で聞こえた時に「あ!その言葉、知っている!」という喜びも知っています。一緒に楽しく会話をしながら、「あ!その言葉、知っている!」という喜びの瞬間をたくさん作っていきましょう。私はポジティブで明るい性格なので、安心してレッスンに参加してください。皆さんが自然な日本語を話せるようにサポートしていきます。 Let’s have fun! It’s important to relax, and practice conversation. I have been studying English, so I know how difficult it can be to learn a foreign language. At the same time, I also know the joy of saying, “Oh! I know that word!” when I hear words I have learned in conversations with native speakers. I have a positive and cheerful personality, so please have fun during my lessons. I will support your goal of speaking natural Japanese.
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Absolute beginners are welcome! If you are struggling with complicated grammar and pronunciation, I can help you until you fully understand what the problems were. I’m happy to help you with both formal and informal Japanese. You'll definitely be able to speak Japanese with proper manners as well as speak casually, just like the way I talk to my friends in everyday life. During the trial lesson, we'll discuss the aspects of Japanese that you struggle with, and we'll develop a plan for how you'll improve. That way, you'll get to have a good idea for what you'll need to do to get better. Let's work on Japanese language together. We're going to work towards your goals as a team!
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Teaching Japanese Since 2010. Kids & Adults All Are Welcome! Let's Enjoy Learning Japanese With Me! I'm a Professional Japanese Teacher who has been teaching in Japanese language schools all around Singapore since 2010. I hold a Degree in Linguistics, which has helped me understand the science of how languages are learnt, and this has allowed me to devise methods to help my students learn faster. Till now, I've taught thousands of students from all over the world - from kids to adults, from complete beginners to further advanced levels. I am committed to guide you through your learning journey. I believe that learning should be fun, so I often teach not only the language, but about the culture as well.
2,211 lessen
Ayako K
資格を持った教師で5年間の経験があります。 2018年から日本語を教えています。2022年12月、日本語教育能力検定試験に合格しました。 静岡県立大学で国際関係学、文化人類学を専攻しました。大学では国語教育の単位も取得したので、中学、高校の国語の教員免許を持っています。アルファ国際学院(日本語教師養成学校)に1年間通いました。 I'm teaching Japanese from 2018.I passed the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test on December 12, 2022. My major was International Relations and Cultural anthropology in University of Shizuoka. I also took classes about Japanese language so I have the Japanese teacher's license for Japanese students in Junior high school and High school. I studied short term in Alpha kokusai gakuin, Training school for becoming a Japanese teacher.
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・日本の子どもたちに英語や数学を教えています。 I have been teaching English and math to school children in Japan. ・日本語教育能力検定試験にも合格しています。 I have also passed the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test.
5,974 lessen
AKANE あかね 🌸
★3年以上のオンラインレッスンの経験があります★ Completed all the requirements of Japanese Language Teacher Training Course プロの教師としての経験はまだありませんが先生の資格を取る為の勉強をしています。 ★★★文化庁認定の日本語教師養成講座420時間修了★★★ 初級者から上級者まで幅広く授業を行っています。 基本的にはテーマに沿って会話中心のレッスンが多いですが、生徒さんの希望によってテスト対策などの勉強を一緒にやることも可能です。 今まで、自分自身もカナダやイタリアに留学経験があり外国語を勉強することへの情熱が あり、先生により自分の語学力の伸びが顕著に現れたことも経験したことがあるので、その先生のスタイルを少し真似しつつ、独自のスタイルも構築していこうと思っております。