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Liczba lekcji: 110
Qualified tutor with experience teaching kids and adults 2020年(ねん)から 日本語を おしえています。こどもと 大学生(だいがくせい)、大人(おとな)に 日本語を おしえた ことが あります。最近(さいきん)は こどもを メインに せいかつの 日本語を おしえていました。 I'm a qualified teacher. I've taught Japanese since 2020. I have experience teaching children, university students, and adults as a private tutor. I mainly taught them Japanese for life in Japan. ・日本語教師養成総合講座420時間修了 ・Completed all requirements of Japanese Language Teacher Training Course (420hours and above)
Liczba lekcji: 2,644
Over 6 years of teaching in language school experience 【When I was a university student】 I helped Japanese children and exchange students to learn Japanese as a tutor. I also had experienced Japanese tutoring for American students in Arizona State University. 【Now】 I'm working as a Japanese language teacher for foreigners. By working as a teacher, I realized that age doesn't matter!! There is no late to start learning! Basically, when I teach, I will use Japanese all the way to improve your Japanese skill. But, you can also ask questions in English or Portuguese if it's hard. I understand how difficult to learn foreign languages by my experience. But I'll try my best to help you! Don't worry.
Liczba lekcji: 1,567
Ayumi Canada
プロの講師 日本語教育能力検定試験に合格している日本語教師です。 カナダの日本語学校とオンラインで教えています。 私もずっと英語を勉強しており、語学習得の難しさはよくわかります。 英語を学ぶ過程でつまづく事があったので、その経験をいかして 皆様の力になりたいと思っております。 また、日本の企業で働いていた経験も長いので、社会人としてのマナーや敬語なども 得意としております。 I am a Japanese teacher who has passed the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. I have experience teaching online at a Japanese language school. I have been studying English for a long time, and I understand how difficult it is to learn a language. I had a stumbling block in the process of learning English, so I made use of that experience. I would like to help you. Children's lessons are also welcome. Also, since I have a long experience working at a Japanese company, I have good manners and honor.
Liczba lekcji: 380
Siti Nurmaisyah
Professional Indonesia Language Tutor with 28 years experience I graduated from The English Literature and Translation Faculty of The University in Indonesia. I learned Japanese language and Culture for 5 years as well, and have some certificates for Japanese proficiency tests. I've joined the classes, seminars, and workshops many times for several years. I have been teaching Indonesian, and Japanese for 28 years. I have experience teaching students from many countries of various ages, children, teenagers, and adults. I also have experience teaching students in-house training programs.
Liczba lekcji: 28
Don't worry! Relax and have fun studying Japanese!✨✨Let me guide your language learning journey🛫 I have experience at a Japanese school and online lessons 🎈 <Student level🗼> Beginner, intermediate or advanced <Class speed🗼> slowly, quickly etc. I provide lessons tailored to each individual. Teaching Japanese is not my purpose. My purpose in teaching Japanese is to make your life more wonderful through Japanese. Because of your improved Japanese, you will be able to understand anime and manga, your trip to Japan will be a lot of fun, and you will be able to go to study abroad! I want you to be able to understand Japanese and make your life even more wonderful! Let's learn Japanese together! !✨✨
Liczba lekcji: 45
I can bring you to the level where you can confidently say " yeah, I can speak Japanese". My strong point is the ability to explain how Japanese works in English. So, you don't need to hesitate to ask me anything in English if you are not fluent enough in Japanese yet. I will definitely be one of your favorite teachers.
Liczba lekcji: 1,351
日本語は読めるけど、話すのが苦手な方、日本人に何度も聞き返されて辛い思いをしたことがある方、面接やプレゼンの練習をしたい方、敬語やビジネス会話を覚えたい方、文章の添削をしてほしい方、お待ちしています。 私はビジネスをリタイヤした後、何をしようかと考えていたとき、まず思い浮かんだことは、外国語を学んで海外の人たちと交流をするということでした。しかし、逆に、私が日本語を教えることによって、多くの外国の方が日本語を理解し、日本が好きになってくれることのほうが、私のためにも、日本語を学ぶ皆さんのためにも有意義だと考えて、日本語教師になりました。 When I was thinking about what I would do after retiring from business, the first thing that came to mind was to learn a foreign language and interact with people from other countries. However, I thought that it would be more meaningful for me and for people learning Japanese if I could help many foreigners understand the Japanese language and come to love Japan by teaching it to them.
Liczba lekcji: 162
I love organic food and handicrafts. I enjoy living sustainably. I studied Japanese language education at a university in Tokyo. I'm teaching Japanese in the class of my town now. I would like to tell you about the wonderful points that Japanese culture has. Now I work for an NGO that protects the rainforest.
Liczba lekcji: 1,946
I'm a qualified teacher who loves anime! Ally Since I was a university student, I have studied various languages such as Chinese, Korean. Therefore, I understand your difficulties in learning Japanese. I ’m a language learner too. English is a language that I have been studying for a long time. I respect people who can speak English or any other language that I have studied. I think it is hard to control your motivation, especially when you are learning a language that isn't much of an opportunity to use in a daily life. But the most important thing is enjoy learning. I will listen to your interests and do my best to include as much as possible in the teaching materials. So, please tell me a lot about yourself in the first lesson!
Liczba lekcji: 419
Experienced teaching business Japanese My major is education and I have a teaching license for English and other subjects.I’ve been teaching Japanese for 2 years on the internet and face to face class. The students are from Mexico, El Salvador, Venezuela, Britain and Ireland. I have taught Japanese in a company for a Mexican apprentice as well. I would love to use various materials such as songs that you like, publicities for Japanese food, comercial etc. It could be nice for translating some phrases from Kimi no Nawa together.
Liczba lekcji: 524
Welcome to my class! Let's talking about your favorite topics. I am teaching Japanese to foreigners living in Yokohama. I don't only teach Japanese but also introduce beautiful places where my students can feel the four seasons of Japan and go out together.
Liczba lekcji: 363
楽(たの)しく 会話(かいわ)をしましょう!! 以前(いぜん)、 ボランティア(ぼらんてぃあ)で 日本に 住(す)んでいる 外国人(がいこくじん)に 日本語(にほんご)を 教(おし)えていました。 彼(かれ)らは 楽(たの)しく 会話(かいわ)を しながら、たくさんの 単語(たんご)や 表現(ひょうげん)を 覚(おぼ)えることが できました。 楽(たの)しむことが 一番(いちばん) 大切(たいせつ)だと 思(おも)います。 いろんな 話(はなし)を しながら、一緒(いっしょ)に 頑張(がんば)りましょう。 I used to teach Japanese as a volunteer to foreigners living in Japan. They were able to learn a lot of words and expressions while having a good conversation.The most important thing is to have fun. Let's talk about various things!!
Liczba lekcji: 756
Grace Liew Hui Ling
I am a very patient and cheerful person that loves to meet new people as learn about new cultures ! Japanese is a great language that i believe anyone can master , so i am looking forward to help you master the language with the right teaching ! Even if you are a beginner , no worries , learning a language should be fun and i will do my best to assist you with a new set of Japanese Language skills that you can proudly use in the future !
Liczba lekcji: 143
I am a friendly and patient teacher, excited to help you improve your Japanese language skills. I want you to feel comfortable as we're going to speak as much Japanese as possible, even if you're a beginner. I'm a language student too! I understand that learning new languages are not easy. I am here to help you. I am a new teacher but I am very passionate about teaching the Japanese language.
Liczba lekcji: 294
早稲田大学→東京大学大学院卒→塾講師数年→私立高校で国語教師を8年間 これまで日本人を相手に英語と日本語を中心に言語を教えてきました。 講師歴は10年を超えています。 日本語に関しては昨年ようやく日本語教育能力検定試験を取得し、 それまで1年間毎週あらゆるレベルの外国人に日本語を教えるボランティアを行ってきました。 私は教えることが非常に好きです。 楽しい授業を一緒に行いましょう! I have taught Japanese and English for Japanese over 10 years. I have two teacher licenses ; English and Japanese. Finally, I got a license of the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test . Until then, I taught Japanese as a volunteer work for foreigners. I love teaching, Let's enjoy our lesson!
Liczba lekcji: 13
どんどん話せる!話すのが楽しい!! For those who are studying Japanese from level 0, lessons are given in English or French. Then we will gradually increase the number of Japanese words used in the lessons. にほんごが すこし わかるひとは できるだけ にほんごで レッスン(れっすん)をします。 でも ひつような ときは えいごか フランスご(B1レベル)で せつめいします。 ごがくを べんきょうして 話(はな)せるようになる 一番(いちばん)の方法(ほうほう)は、 何度(なんど)も聞(き)いたり話(はな)したりすること! べんきょうした言葉(ことば)、文法(ぶんぽう)を 何度(なんど)も いってもらえるように、 たのしく おもしろいレッスンで みなさんに たくさん話(はなし)をしてもらい、 リラックス(りらっくす)して はなせる ふんいきづくりを こころがけています。 まちがいを こわがらずに 日本語で 話してみようという 前向(まえむ)きな気持(きも)ちになれますと思(おも)います。
Liczba lekcji: 1,719
標準語と同様に、関西弁も教えられます。 I can teach you Kansai dialect as well as standard Japanese. また、カジュアルな会話から敬語まで教えられます。 Moreover, I can teach you casual conversations to honorific expressions.
Liczba lekcji: 272
わたしも外国に住んでいますので、外国語を話すことのむずかしさを理解しています。 同時に、話せる時の楽しさも実感しています。 その土地の人々と会話し、文化にふれることは、その土地の言葉を好きになり、じょうずに話せるようになる上で役立ってきました。 それで、外国語の上達には、ネイティブスピーカーと会話することがとても大切だと考えています。 私は英語をあまり話せません。おもに日本語で会話してゆきます。 Ben de başka ülkede yaşıyorum. Bu yüzden yabancı dil öğrenmenin ne kadar zor olduğunu aynı zamanda ne kadar güzel olduğunu da öğrendim. Türk insanlarla konuşarak, güzel yemekleri tadarak,ayrıca eski tarihli inceleyerek Türkçeyi öğrendim. Bunlar Türkçemin gelişmesine çok etkiledi. Japonca öğrendiğinizde birlikte sohbet etmek size çok yarar sağlar. Maalesef İngilizcem çok zayıf. normalde Japonca ile sohbet edelim.
Liczba lekcji: 702
I am a qualified teacher of Japanese and I have been teaching Japanese online privately. My goal is to offer students chance to "Output" as much as possible. Don't be afraid to make mistakes and have fun communicating in Japanese! 🌸日本語教師(きょうし)養成講座(ようせいこうざ)受講済み(じゅこうずみ)。 🌸日本語教育(きょういく)能力(のうりょく)検定試験(けんていしけん) 合格(ごうかく)。
Liczba lekcji: 847
Absolute beginners are more than welcomed😊 Recently started working in a different time zone! I started teaching Japanese in 2013 as a volunteer in my hometown, and completed all the requirements of the Japanese Language Teacher Training Course in 2020. Since then, I have been teaching Japanese as a certified teacher, and I have met people from more than 30 countries through this teaching career so far. I started teaching part-time on italki in August 2021, and I have been meeting wonderful students here as well! 2013年に地元でボランティア講師として日本語を教え始め、2020年に日本語教師の資格を取得しました。それからは、有資格の教師として日本語を教えていて、日本語を教えることを通じて今まで30カ国以上の人に出会いました。italkiは2021年8月にパートタイムで始め、ここでも素晴らしい生徒さんたちに出会えています。