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Umów się na lekcje włoskiego online z naszymi wykwalifikowanymi nauczycielami aby uczyć się języka z domu.

Ucz się włoski z nauczycielem Giuseppe.


Lektor ze społecznościid verified
SPEAKS :włoski
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Practice and learn italian with a teacher from Italy! I'm a laid-back, extroverted and optimist teacher :) I try to motivate and support my students as much as I can and I adapt to each person and their requests Я спокойный, экстравертный и оптимистичный преподаватель :) Я стараюсь мотивировать и поддерживать своих студентов, насколько это возможно, и адаптируюсь к каждому человеку и его запросам Sono un insegnante alla mano, estroverso e ottimista, che cerca in tutti i modi di motivare e supportare i propri studenti, adattandomi alla persona e alle sue richieste

USD 5.00/lekcja próbna
Ucz się włoski z nauczycielem Stéphanie.

Liczba lekcji: 2,283


Profesjonalny nauczycielid verified
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Français: J'ai déjà une expérience de 3 ans dans l'enseignement secondaire (collèges et lycées) en tant que professeure d'italien. J'ai eu l'opportunité de donner cours à des élèves de niveaux différents et d'acquérir une certaine aisance dans la méthodologie et l'organisation. Pédagogue, patiente et à l'écoute, je privilégie la confiance en soi pour que mes élèves puissent progresser. J'enseigne à tous les niveaux (du niveau A1 au niveau C2), m'adapte à vos besoins et vous propose plusieurs supports pour vous aider à progresser.

USD 8.00/lekcja próbna
Ucz się włoski z nauczycielem Matteo Dabellonio.

Liczba lekcji: 1,009

Matteo Dabellonio

Profesjonalny nauczycielid verified
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Professore di Italiano Certificato da 6 anni |Preparazione Esami (CELI, CILS, PLIDA, DALI, CLIDA) Ho un C1 di spagnolo e un B2 di inglese. Ho lavorato con la scuola online LearnAmo per oltre 4 anni, creando materiale didattico per gli studenti. Mi piace molto insegnare l'italiano ad adulti e bambini, e ho una grande passione per l'insegnamento. Il mio obiettivo come insegnante privato è quello di creare un'esperienza di apprendimento personalizzata e divertente per ogni studente. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, utilizzo una grande varietà di materiali, tra cui video, podcast e giochi. In questo modo, riesco a rendere le lezioni coinvolgenti e stimolanti, in modo da mantenere l'attenzione degli studenti e aiutarli a raggiungere i loro obiettivi di apprendimento.

USD 9.99/lekcja próbna
Dostępny 07:30 Dzisiaj
Ucz się włoski z nauczycielem Francesca.

Liczba lekcji: 116


Lektor ze społecznościid verified
SPEAKS :włoski
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Language enthusiastic in her master course in foreign languages. Friendly and relaxed lessons! ITA: Come tutor, mi entusiasma lavorare con studenti di diversi background. La mia esperienza include l'insegnamento a persone di vari livelli culturali ed educativi, permettendomi di adattare i miei metodi ai diversi stili di apprendimento. Cerco di creare un ambiente inclusivo dove ogni studente/ssa si senta valorizzato/a e motivato/a a raggiungere il proprio obiettivo. ENG:As a tutor, I thrive on the diverse backgrounds of my students. My experience includes teaching people from different cultural and educational levels, allowing me to adapt my methods to fit different learning styles.

USD 6.00/lekcja próbna
Ucz się włoski z nauczycielem Eleonora B..

Liczba lekcji: 60

Eleonora B.

Lektor ze społecznościid verified
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SPEAKS :włoski
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CEDILS-certified teacher from beautiful Salento I have 8 years of teaching experience (English and Italian), and for the last 4 years I've been working online with students from all over the world. I am knowledgeable, patient and empathetic, and teach for all levels and communicative purposes: whether you want to reinforce your conversation and writing skills, you are a complete beginner who wants to embark on this new adventure, you are preparing for a certification, or want to find out what are the best ways to speak naturally among native speakers, I am happy to help.

USD 10.00/lekcja próbna
Dostępny 17:30 Dzisiaj
Ucz się włoski z nauczycielem ⭐️Nadi⭐️.

Liczba lekcji: 839


Lektor ze społecznościid verified
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SPEAKS :włoski
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"Fantastic teacher. I book lessons with Nadi most evenings. She works so hard for her students." The lessons are in Italian because I want you to feel like you are in Italy. We'll talk like over a coffee on different topics each time with specific vocabulary so you'll get used to the sound of the language, culture, gestures & practise speaking.🌈 U'll have fun with articles, poems, songs, Dante, photos, virtual tours, videos, questions, reading, graphs, phonetics exercises (where I'm specialised) to make the lessons in-depth, dynamic & complete without neglecting the importance of technical lessons, formal vocabulary & tests preparation for work, uni, citizenship with simulations, explanations & tricks to arrive at the test/job interview prepared & without anxiety ❤️

USD 11.00/Godzina
Dostępny 21:45 Dzisiaj
Ucz się włoski z nauczycielem Elena.

Liczba lekcji: 1,288


Profesjonalny nauczycielid verified
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SPEAKS :włoski
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Qualified Italian Teacher and Examiner: Inspiring curiosity about the Italian language and culture! As a teacher, I consider myself more of a 'guide' who supports students in discovering the language on their own. I’m committed to creating a comfortable environment where students don’t feel judged for making mistakes, and my focus is mostly on engaging them in taking an active role in the learning process, rather than treating them as 'empty vessels' to fill with grammar rules. I also aim at getting to know my students well so I understand what motivates them to learn Italian in order to create a study plan based on their interests.

USD 10.00/lekcja próbna
Dostępny 12:00 Dzisiaj
Ucz się włoski z nauczycielem Anna.

Liczba lekcji: 5,137


Profesjonalny nauczycielid verified
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SPEAKS :włoski
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Mothertongue certified teacher with over 6 years experience, I teach to adults and kids I am a certified teacher (I obtained the DITALS certification from the University for foreigners of Siena) and I have experience with one-to-one lessons both in presence and online, with adults of many nationalities and with teenagers and children. I studied at the Liceo classico (studying Italian literature, Latin and ancient greek language and literature) and then I studied international law at the university of Milan. I also have experience in courses of preparation of CELI and CILS exams, mainly to foreigners who apply for Italian citizenship.

USD 11.00/lekcja próbna
Ucz się włoski z nauczycielem Gabriele Lomuscio.

Liczba lekcji: 29

Gabriele Lomuscio

Lektor ze społecznościid verified
SPEAKS :włoski
Rodzimy użytkownik

Italian Tutor with the passion for language learning I am a patient and passionate teacher who aims to create a relaxed and friendly environment. I enjoy using humor and storytelling to make learning Italian enjoyable and engaging. I believe that learning a language also means connecting with the culture behind it.

USD 5.00/lekcja próbna
Dostępny 19:30 Dzisiaj
Ucz się włoski z nauczycielem Costanza.

Liczba lekcji: 148


Lektor ze społecznościid verified
SPEAKS :włoski
Rodzimy użytkownik

Conversazioni rilassate e divertenti 🍻 Quando ho iniziato il mio corso universitario, mi vergognavo a parlare inglese con i madrelingua. Con il tempo però ho capito che fare pratica è l'unico modo per imparare. So cosa vuol dire studiare una lingua straniera, perciò non ti sentirai mai in imbarazzo con me. Ho un accento neutrale e facilmente comprensibile ☺️ When I first started my Master course, I was feeling ashamed of speaking English in front of native speakers. However, with time I understood that practice is the only way to learn a language. I know how it feels to learn a foreign language, so I promise you that with me you will never feel ashamed or embarrassed. My Italian accent is neutral and easily understandable ☺️

USD 5.00/lekcja próbna
Ucz się włoski z nauczycielem Sonia Ognibene.

Liczba lekcji: 9,492

Sonia Ognibene

Lektor ze społecznościid verified
SPEAKS :włoski
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Sono una tutor amichevole, affidabile e preparata. / I am a friendly, reliable and knowledgeable tutor.

USD 5.50/lekcja próbna
Ucz się włoski z nauczycielem Chiara Alfano.

Liczba lekcji: 43

Chiara Alfano

Lektor ze społecznościid verified
SPEAKS :włoski
Rodzimy użytkownik

Italian native speaker + English graduate with 10+ years experience in Foreign Languages teaching Being a foreign languages student myself, I do know the struggles of learning a new language. My aim is to provide a relaxing and inclusive environment where everyone is more than welcome to challenge theirselves and enjoy every bit of the process. Knowing three different languages definitely helps me with my students, expecially beginners, as I am able to understand the hardest aspects of learning the foreign languages that I teach and provide translations. My academic background in Foreign Languages Education is what drove me towards the development of my own personal teaching strategy.

USD 5.00/lekcja próbna
Dostępny 17:30 Dzisiaj
Ucz się włoski z nauczycielem Barak.

Liczba lekcji: 668


Lektor ze społecznościid verified
SPEAKS :włoski
Rodzimy użytkownik

Student of Medicine & Surgery| Sports&Lifestyle | Pleasant teaching style: games, songs, reading:) Hey there! I'm not just your average teacher; I genuinely care about delivering value to my students. While I'm all about having a fun and light-hearted approach, trust me, our lessons will never be dull! I equally enjoy diving deep into serious, colloquial, and even scientific topics. You know how some lessons can feel like they're dragging on, or, the opposite, like they’re too rushed? I pride myself on my efficient approach to teaching. Once I've got a sense of your learning style and needs, our lessons will feel just right: the perfect balance of new content, practice, and those all-important breaks to let things sink in. Looking forward to our learning adventure!😊

USD 10.00/lekcja próbna
Dostępny 17:30 Dzisiaj
Ucz się włoski z nauczycielem Antonio.

Liczba lekcji: 1,381


Lektor ze społecznościid verified
Przygotowanie do testu
SPEAKS :włoski
Rodzimy użytkownik

Exceptional Learning: Master Italian with a Top Reviewed Native Teacher, 15 Years Experience! 🌟🎓 I'm a passionate and dynamic teacher who makes learning fun and empathetic! 🌟 Join me on a personalized journey to learn Italian together! ✨ Sono un insegnante appassionato e dinamico che rende l'apprendimento divertente ed empatico! 🌟 Un percorso personalizzato ti aspetta per imparare l'italiano insieme! ✨

USD 5.00/lekcja próbna
Dostępny 17:30 Dzisiaj
Ucz się włoski z nauczycielem 🎦Filippo🎦.

Liczba lekcji: 2,287


Lektor ze społecznościid verified
SPEAKS :włoski
Rodzimy użytkownik

🎥Bored with traditional lessons? Boost your Italian by chatting about movies and shows🎬 😊20 anni di studio delle lingue e 10 di esperienza come tutor mi hanno insegnato una cosa: più ci si diverte, più si impara. 🥱Grammatica, YouTube, podcast, pratica di conversazione classica sono tutti metodi validissimi, ma personalmente gli manca qualcosa. 🎦Ecco perché ho scelto il cinema, una passione che ho sin da quand'ero bambino. Capacità di ascolto; arricchimento del lessico e del vocabolario; immersione totale sia nella lingua che nella cultura; miglioramento dell'esposizione dei propri pensieri e sentimenti, utilizzare i film come strumento per migliorare una lingua mi ha praticamente cambiato la vita. 🫵Ora vorrei cambiasse anche la tua. Ti aspetto👋🏼

USD 7.99/lekcja próbna
Dostępny 20:00 Dzisiaj
Ucz się włoski z nauczycielem Antonio.

Liczba lekcji: 65


Lektor ze społecznościid verified
SPEAKS :włoski
Rodzimy użytkownik
Rodzimy użytkownik

CEDILS Certified Italian Tutor with a Master's degree in Italian Language and Culture for Foreigners My empathetic nature allows me to understand the needs and feelings of my students. I am here to support and guide you along your learning journey, without judgment and with the utmost respect for your experiences and perspectives.

USD 5.00/lekcja próbna
Ucz się włoski z nauczycielem Cristina Domènech.

Liczba lekcji: 11.3k

Cristina Domènech

Profesjonalny nauczycielid verified
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SPEAKS :włoski
Rodzimy użytkownik
Rodzimy użytkownik

Certified Polyglot Teacher with 16+ Years Experience - Learn 10 Languages with a Passionate Expert! I'm an open-minded, certified and enthusiastic teacher with over 12 years of teaching experience. With a friendly approach, I focus on students' goals, tailoring classes to their needs. I am committed to my students' success, ensuring each lesson is engaging and effective. Over the past 7 years, I’ve completed more than 10,000 lessons on italki, working with students of all ages and needs worldwide. Whether it's exam preparation, business language skills, relocation, or learning for pleasure, my adaptable and supportive teaching style helps students achieve their language learning goals. All in all I'm extremely passionate about my work and that's why I'm always trying to improve my skills.

USD 37.00/lekcja próbna
Dostępny 19:00 Dzisiaj
Ucz się włoski z nauczycielem Chiara Capurro.

Liczba lekcji: 3,682

Chiara Capurro

Lektor ze społecznościid verified
SPEAKS :włoski
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Experienced ITA, FRE, ENG teacher & passionate language learner - polyglot * I don't teach kids (<14 yo) * I want my students to have fun learning a new language! Enjoying the process is the key to success, because it implies that learning, instead of an effort, becomes a pleasure. This is why I try to always be proactive, to pay attention to my students' needs and to adjust accordingly. I am an ally to you in your language learning journey :D Grammar is fundamental (for grammar lovers: welcome to the club!), but it does not have to be taught through the classical school methods - which by the way, they do not work. You will discover a new way of passively learning grammar through conversations and reading.

USD 19.00/lekcja próbna
Ucz się włoski z nauczycielem Giuseppe.

Liczba lekcji: 20


Lektor ze społecznościid verified
SPEAKS :włoski
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Conversiamo in italiano insieme! :D Non sono un insegnante professionista ma amo la conversazione. Come voi anche io ho dovuto imparare una lingua non mia e conosco la timidezza e la paura di sbagliare, specie all'inizio. Non preoccupatevi! Sono qui per aiutarvi. Durante le lezioni sarete voi i protagonisti e parleremo di tanti argomenti :)

USD 5.00/lekcja próbna
Ucz się włoski z nauczycielem Valerio.

Liczba lekcji: 958


Lektor ze społecznościid verified
SPEAKS :włoski
Rodzimy użytkownik

Tutor di supporto all'apprendimento con oltre 10 anni di esperienza. Sono molto duttile, mi adatto bene ai bisogni di ciascuno studente, avendo già avuto modo di insegnare a diverse fasce d'età. L'obiettivo a breve termine è quello di trasmettere il mio amore per la lingua e la cultura italiana e ottenere risultati già dopo la prima lezione. Ciò che mi ha insegnato la passione per le lingue straniere è l'importanza di commettere errori, imparare attraverso il dialogo e le situazioni di vita reale (che sono molto lontane da ciò che è scritto sui libri di testo). Fa tutto parte del bagaglio che portiamo nel nostro percorso di apprendimento. Sono solare, positivo e credo in ciascuno di voi! (Se ci sono riuscito io, tutti quanti possono farlo!)

USD 13.00/lekcja próbna
Dostępny 07:30 Dzisiaj
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