8. 疫苗Useful expressions of Vaccine
8. 疫苗Useful expressions of Vaccine
16 stycznia 2023
Vaccine: 疫苗 [yì miáo] Covid-19 vaccine新冠疫苗 xīn guàn yì miáo Get vaccinated: 打疫苗 (colloquial) / 接种疫苗(formal) jiē zhòng yì miáo I'm vaccinated: 我打了疫苗。wǒ dǎ le yì miáo I'm double vaxxed: 我打过两针疫苗。(针 is the measure word of Vaccination) I'm triple vaxxed: 我打了三针(疫苗)。 I just got my fourth dose: 我刚打了第四针(疫苗)。 After you get vaccinated, you’ll have antibody. 抗体【kàng tǐ】 So that’s go through a short dialogue between Cara and John. Cara: John,你打新冠疫苗了吗?John,have you get the Vaccine? John: 我打了三针(疫苗),你呢?I'm triple vaxxed, and you? Cara: 噢,我没有打过(疫苗)。Oh, I never Get vaccinated. John: 为什么?Why? Cara: 我觉得疫苗不安全。I don't think the vaccine is safe. Okay , that’s all for today. I hope you like the series of COIVD-19 podcasts. If you have any question or suggestion about my podcast,feel free to message me or we can discuss it in our class.Thanks for listening. If you like my podcast ,you can follow it. I’ll see you next time.我们下次节目再见。
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