开学日 - Start of semester
开学日 - Start of semester
21 października 2022
Simplified Chinese version: 《开学日》 开学了,平平背着书包去学校。 他在教室外面,看到漂亮的窗户和门。 他在教室里面,看到很多新的东西。 他看到教室前面的墙上,有每个学生的名字。 他看到教室的后面,有两个大垃圾桶和一个小垃圾桶。 教室还有新的桌子和椅子,他把放书包在桌子上面。 他还看到桌子前面的黑板,也是新的。 平平想:哇!新的教室很好玩。 Traditional Chinese version: 《開學日》 開學了,平平背著書包去學校。 他在教室外面,看到漂亮的窗戶和門。 他在教室裡面,看到很多新的東西。 他看到教室前面的牆上,有每個學生的名字。 他看到教室的後面,有兩個大垃圾桶和一個小垃圾桶。 教室還有新的桌子和椅子,他把放書包在桌子上面。 他還看到桌子前面的黑板,也是新的。 平平想:哇!新的教室很好玩。 English translation: Start of semester It was the first day of school. Ping ping went to school with his school bag. He stood outside the classroom and noticed beautiful windows and doors. He went into the classroom and noticed many new things. He saw there were many students name on the wall in front of the classroom. He noticed there were two big trash cans and one small trash can in the back of the classroom. There were new desks and chairs in the classroom. He put his school bag on the desk. He also noticed the new blackboard. Ping Ping thought, “Wow! New classroom looks great!”
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