L'aperitivo - 3 minutes Italian
L'aperitivo - 3 minutes Italian
9 września 2022
Have you ever experiences Italy's most famous daily routine, l'aperitivo? If you haven't, discover what it is about by listening to this episode. And you have, boost your Italian language by learning new words related to our favourite social activity. *** Useful links *** Would you like to learn Italian language from scratch? Then take a look to Cocai Italian video course. this is the most comfortable way to learn Italian. Why? Because you can watch the videos whenever you want, wherever you want! There is a discount for all September, don’t miss it! -> https://cocai-italiano.com/ Talk to me --> https://t.me/cocaiitaliano
Kanał podcastu
3 minutes Italian
AAlessandra 李珊乐Profesjonalny nauczyciel