22 stycznia 2024
生肖shēng xiào:Zodiac;any of the twelve animals 循环 xún huán:circulate;circle 象征 xiàng zhēng:symbolize;signify 威严 wēi yán:dignified;stately 尊贵 zūn guì:honourable;respectable;respected 睿智 ruì zhì:wise and farsighted 收获shōu huò:reap;gains 2024 marks the Chinese Lunar New Year as the Year of the Dragon.The Dragon is one of the twelve Chinese zodiac signs, cycling every twelve years. In Chinese culture, the zodiac sign of the Dragon symbolizes power, dignity, nobility, and good fortune. Those born in the Year of the Dragon are considered intelligent, energetic, and creative. It is a year filled with hope and good fortune. Wishing you abundant happiness and joy in the Year of the Dragon!
Kanał podcastu
“龙”年中国话(“ lóng ” nián zhōng guó huà)