Write the words you hear in hiragana. きこえた ごいを ひらがなでかきます。
おきゃくさん (customer)
ちきゅう (earth)
きょうしつ (classroom)
ぎゃく (opposite)
ぎゅうにく (beef)
きんぎょ (goldfish)
でんしゃ (train)
しゅくだい (homework)
しょくじ (meal)
じゃんけん (rock, paper, scissors game)
びじゅつ (art)
かのじょ (girl friend)
おちゃ (tea)
ちゅうごく (China)
しゃちょう (president)
こんにゃく (solidified jelly made from the rhizome of devil's tongue (konnyaku)
にょうぼう (woman who served at the imperial palace)
ひゃくえん (one hundred yean)
さんびゃく (300)
びょういん (hospital)
ろっぴゃく (600)
りゅうがく (study abroad)
りょこう (travel)
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