#18 (A1) Logement et décoration d’intérieur
#18 (A1) Logement et décoration d’intérieur
18 września 2022
⭐ In this A1-level podcast I will speak about housing and interior decoration. We will see what are the different types of housing, how to talk about real estate and how to describe a house. We will practise the prepositions of place, we will see the difference between “c’est” and “il est / elle est”, we will learn many adjectives to describe a house, and much more. ⭐ In the first part of this podcast I will speak French only, and in the second part I will translate and explain everything I said in English. ⭐ Contents: 1/ Les types de logements 2/ Les loyers 3/ L'immobilier 4/ Les pièces 5/ Chez moi 6/ Mes pièces préférées 7/ Le mobilier et la décoration 8/ La décoration chez moi
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Learn French with Anthony
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