七夕节 qī xī jié:Qixi Festival
乞巧节 qī qiǎo jié: Qiqiao Festival
情人节 qíng rén jié: Valentine's Day
汉朝 hàn cháo: the Han Dynasty of China
浪漫 làng màn:Romantic
源于 yuán yú:Originating from
古代 gǔ dài:Ancient;ancient times
传说 chuán shuō:Legend
牛郎织女 niú láng zhī nǚ:the Cowherd and the Weaving Maid ; a metaphor for a couple
鹊桥 què qiáo:the Magpie bridge
相会 xiāng huì:Meeting
编织 biān zhī:Weaving
刺绣 cì xiù:Needle work
比赛 bǐ sài:Competition
祈福 qí fú: Pray for blessings
相亲相爱 xiāng qīn xiāng ài:be kind to each other and love each other