2. 我要冰的/ I want the cold one.
2. 我要冰的/ I want the cold one.
20 grudnia 2023
Traditional Chinese Medicine subject considers cold things will cause the body to get cold which influences Yang deficiency or blood stasis. When I was little, my mother always told me that don’t drink cold water, eat less ice cream, instead of that, drink hot water. But, if you want an iced drink, what can you do? It’s elementary, just say: 我要冰的。 Wǒ yào bīng de – I want the cold one.’ ’冰’‘s meaning is ‘冰凉的(ice-cold)’。In the south of China, they use another word too, ‘冻(dòng)’.So, if you’re in Guangdong, you can also say such as’我要冻的- I want the cold one.’ or 冻啤酒(ice beer)’ and so on.
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