去理发店 Go to the Barber's (Beginner)
去理发店 Go to the Barber's (Beginner)
21 listopada 2022
In this episode we are going to learn 【 Go to the Barber's】in Chinese. -------------------------------------------------- As a beginner, there're some vocabularies that you didn't learn before, and native speaker's speed seems too fast to understand. But don't worry, let's do it step by step. Step 1: listen and catch the words you know already, have a guess about the content. Step 2: look at the text to check if you guessed it right. Step 3: listen one more time, repeat after it. Step 4: practice until you can speak as the normal speed without looking at the text. -------------------------------------------------- 昨天我去理发店了。 zuó tiān wǒ qù lǐ fà diàn le 。 I went to the barber's yesterday. 我打算烫头发。 wǒ dǎ suàn tàng tóu fà 。 I was going to perm my hair. 发型师先帮我洗头、吹头发。 fà xíng shī xiān bāng wǒ xǐ tóu 、 chuī tóu fà 。 The stylist shampooed and blew my hair first. 我的头发又长又多,发型师帮我剪短剪薄。 wǒ de tóu fà yòu cháng yòu duō , fà xíng shī bāng wǒ jiǎn duǎn jiǎn báo 。 My hair is long and long. The stylist helped me cut it short and thin. 我选了一个最近很流行的发型:大波浪。 wǒ xuǎn le yí gè zuì jìn hěn liú xíng de fà xíng : dà bō làng 。 I chose a hairstyle that is very popular these days: big waves. 发型师说染棕色很适合我,我决定试试。 fà xíng shī shuō rǎn zōng sè hěn shì hé wǒ , wǒ jué dìng shì shì 。 The stylist said that dyeing brown would suit me, so I decided to give it a try. 我的朋友看到我的新发型都说好看。 wǒ de péng yǒu kàn dào wǒ de xīn fà xíng dōu shuō hǎo kàn 。 When my friends saw my new hairstyle, they all said it is nice.
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