Basics. Word Final Devoicing and Voiced-Voiceless Assimilation. Listen and Repeat.
24 marca 2022
24 marca 2022
Word final devoicing
Voiced consonants at the end of words are pronounced voiceless.
We write: We say:
Чехов Чехо[ ф ]
джаз джа[ с ]
гараж гара[ ш ]
сноб сно[ п ]
маркетинг маркетин[ к ]
Мадрид Мадри[ т ]
Voiced-voiceless assimilation
When voiced and voiceless consonants are adjacent to each other, the nature of the second consonant dictates the nature of the first. To put it more succinctly, when two consonants go walking, the second one does the talking:
в Киеве [ф К]иеве
субтитры су[пт]итры
voiceless + voiced voiced + voiced
баскетбол баске[дб]ол
Питсбург Пи[дзб]ург
вас зовут ва[ з з ]овут