10.俞敏洪:高考,农村孩子“改变”命运的唯一机会 Gaokao is the only chance for rural students to change their destiny.
10.俞敏洪:高考,农村孩子“改变”命运的唯一机会 Gaokao is the only chance for rural students to change their destiny.
3 sierpnia 2022
speaker: 俞敏洪Yú Mǐnhóng 新东方教育集团创始人,英语教学与管理专家。 Yu Minhong, or Michael Yu is the founder and president of New Oriental Education & Technology Group Inc.. As the owner of one of the largest private educational services, Yu is known as the "richest teacher in China", and "Godfather of English Training". script: 城市孩子上不了大学,对城市孩子影响不是那么大。但是农村孩子上不了大学,其实他就变成一辈子农民了。我觉得一个农民的孩子如果说能上上正规的大学的话,对他来说,扩大他的视野也好;扩大他对这个世界的理解以及人脉关系也好;以及他的自我认知也好,一定是有大大的好处。我相信进了大学整体来说命运总会变得更好。因为人们的想法是被观念改变的。那能够改变观念的人最好的地方就是大学。那他只要考上大学,哪怕是三本,是吧?那他大学四年给他的磨练;带来的眼光、感觉、格局肯定就不一样的。那个时候他再回到农村,他可能就变成农村的创业者,或者是变成农村中间最有想法的人。我觉得想法是改变世界的基础。 高考 gāo kǎo College Entrance Examination 命运 mìng yùn n. 1.destiny ;fate;lot 悲惨的命运a tragic lot 2.trend of development;tendency of change 国家的命运 eg.他想要掌握自己的命运。He wants to be in control of his own destiny. 我们是自己命运的主人。We are masters of our own destiny. translation: Being able to go to university or not has little effect on students from cities. But for students from rural areas, if they don't go to college, they will be lifelong farmers. I think it would be good for a peasant's child to expand his horizons, understanding of the world, connections, and self-perception if he went to a proper university. I think going to college will change your destiny. Because people's thoughts are changed by perspective. College is the best place to build a new perspective. As long as you can get into a university, even if it is just a third-class university. Four years of college life will change his new ideas and views. Then he goes back to the countryside, and he may start his own business, or he may become the most thoughtful person there. I think ideas are fundamental to changing the world.
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