Tatiana Dugaich
Fortunately I have a lot of good memories of my childhood. But the best one is our trips with my cousins. We used to go once a year for a different place in Brazil, mostly at beach and we used to spend the whole day at the beach, practicing a lot of sports such frescobol, surfing. I love the beach atmosphere. And I miss so much our trips with my whole family.
16 lut 2021 23:54
Poprawki · 3
Lucy Walter
Fortunately I have a lot of good memories of my childhood. But the best one is our trips with my cousins. We used to go once a year forto a different place in Brazil, mostly ato the beach and we used to spend the whole day at the beach, practicing a lot of sports such frescobol, and surfing. I love the beach atmosphere. And I miss so much our trips with my whole family so much.
16 lutego 2021
thank you very much for your help and correction. it was really useful.
17 lutego 2021 · Odpowiedź
Lucy Walter
No problems
17 lutego 2021 · Odpowiedź
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Tatiana Dugaich
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angielski, portugalski, hiszpański
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Nauczyciele angielski dla ciebie
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