Childhood always gives me nostalgia, it is a phase that I admire a lot amongs the all stages of life, though as being a young girl I don’t have experience of all stages of life but by going through all the experiences until now children was the beat time for me. Here I would like to talk about story that I read from my fairytale story book. There were two young girls, one was opulent child, named Cinderella, whilst another(named jasmine) was living under penury. Both were friends, the reason behind their friendship was jasmine’s mother was housemaid in Cinderella’s house. Cinderella used to play with jasmine until her finishes her work. By leaps and bounds their go deeper and deeper nd so far Cinderella started sharing her affluent good with her like toys, cloths, footwear and so on. But one fine day, their friendship was broken because of their parents, being deep pocket people, Cinderella’s parents was a finicky kind of person nd an unimpeachable jasmine was watching everything nd desided to take revage of her mother’s insult. She made a clandestine plan nd started working on it nd apparently she got succeeds in her endeavor. Her mother took vicarious pride in her daughter’s savvy achievement and all that was bolt out of blue moments for Cinderella’s parents
26 mar 2021 08:58
Poprawki · 2
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30 marca 2021
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