Please help me correct this , thanks! Written Exercise 21 - I need your help Part 2 Here is a written exercise I wrote last month, and I have corrected some mistakes that I found. I know that there must still be others in it. I really want to know and learn more, so I am now inviting you to help me correct it. If any of you can , I would appreciate it if you do! My lunch for today There are two pictures of my lunch for today. As seen in the first picture, there is a bowl of steamed rice and a dish of steamed meat pie。 Maybe you would curiously ask why there were something in the bowl of rice? That's because I cooked rice mixed with black rice, avena sativa and unpolished rice, which are low GI food and great for health. Steamed meat pie was good too and easy to cook (make) , I minced ( chopped) pork with pickles , and then flavored it , then I steamed it well. The second picture is a dish of boiled Chinese cabbage, which I almost eat everyday , South Korean people like to make 泡菜 with Chinese cabbage . 我今天的午餐 这是两张我今天的午餐的照片。从第一张照片可以看到,有一碗米饭和一碟蒸肉饼。可能你会好奇地问为什么那一碗米饭里有其他的东西?那是因为我将大米、黑米、燕麦和糙米混合在一起蒸煮的,他们都是低GI的食物,对健康大有益处。蒸肉饼也是很好吃的并且也很容易做的,将猪肉和咸菜一起剁碎,然后调味,最后将蒸熟它。 第二张照片是一碟水煮大白菜。我几乎天天都吃大白菜,韩国人很喜欢用大白菜做泡菜的。
22 gru 2020 14:50
Poprawki · 4
Please help me correct this , thanks! Written Exercise 21 - I need your help Part 2 Here is a written exercise I wrote last month, and I have corrected some mistakes that I found. I know that there must still be others in it. I really want to know and learn more, so I am now inviting you to help me correct it. If any of you can , I would appreciate it! if you do! My lunch for today There are two pictures of my lunch for today. As seen in the first picture, there is a bowl of steamed rice and a dish of steamed meat pie。 Maybe you would curiously ask why there wereis something in the bowl of rice? That's because I cooked (white) rice mixed with black rice, avena sativa and unpolished rice, which are low GI food s and great for the health. Steamed meat pie was good too and easy to cook (make) (both cook and make work here), I minced ( chopped) pork with pickles , and then flavored it , then I steamed it well. The second picture is a dish of boiled Chinese cabbage, which I eat almost eat (1) everyday , South Korean peoples like to make 泡菜 with Chinese cabbage . 我今天的午餐 这是两张我今天的午餐的照片。从第一张照片可以看到,有一碗米饭和一碟蒸肉饼。可能你会好奇地问为什么那一碗米饭里有其他的东西?那是因为我将大米、黑米、燕麦和糙米混合在一起蒸煮的,他们都是低GI的食物,对健康大有益处。蒸肉饼也是很好吃的并且也很容易做的,将猪肉和咸菜一起剁碎,然后调味,最后将蒸熟它。 第二张照片是一碟水煮大白菜。我几乎天天都吃大白菜,韩国人很喜欢用大白菜做泡菜的。
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1. Almost eat: you want to eat it but you don’t Eat almost everyday: you eat it often The placement of almost changes the meaning :)
23 grudnia 2020
I didn't know that, thank you so much for correction and explanation !
23 grudnia 2020 · Odpowiedź
Andrew Pitts
Please help me correct this , thanks! Written Exercise 21 - I need your help Part 2 Here is a written exercise I wrote last month, and I have corrected some mistakes that I found. I know that there must still be others in it. I really want to know and learn more, so I am now inviting you to help me correct it. If any of you can , I would appreciate it if you do! My lunch for today Th Here are two pictures of my lunch for today. As seen in the first picture, there is a bowl of steamed rice and a dish of steamed meat pie。 Maybe you would curiously. You might ask why there wereis something in the bowl of rice? That's because I cooked rice mixedmixed the normal white rice with black rice, avena sativa and unpolished rice, which are all low GI food ands that are great for your health. SThe steamed meat pie was also good too and easy to cook (make) , I minced (. I chopped) pork with pickles , and then flavored it , then. Finally, I steamed it well. The second picture is a dish of boiled Chinese cabbage, which I eat almost eat everyday , . South Korean people like to make 泡菜 with Chinese cabbage . 我今天的午餐 这是两张我今天的午餐的照片。从第一张照片可以看到,有一碗米饭和一碟蒸肉饼。可能你会好奇地问为什么那一碗米饭里有其他的东西?那是因为我将大米、黑米、燕麦和糙米混合在一起蒸煮的,他们都是低GI的食物,对健康大有益处。蒸肉饼也是很好吃的并且也很容易做的,将猪肉和咸菜一起剁碎,然后调味,最后将蒸熟它。 第二张照片是一碟水煮大白菜。我几乎天天都吃大白菜,韩国人很喜欢用大白菜做泡菜的。
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Good stuff!
22 grudnia 2020
Thank you for correction! 🌹
23 grudnia 2020 · Odpowiedź
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