Nathan (Mandarin老师) TeaTime Chinese podcast episode 49: 4 Great Inventions of China 中国为世界科技的进步做出过很大的贡献,其中最有名的可能是 "四大发明"。Francis Bacon 和 Karl Marx 都说过:这些中国的发明改变了人类的历史。"四大发明" 包括哪四个发明?我们来看看。 China made great contributions to the world in terms of technological improvements, among which "the Four Great Inventions" are probably the most well-known. Both Francis Bacon and Karl Marx said that these inventions "changed the history of mankind". What are "the Four Great Inventions"? Let's find out.
15 sie 2022 16:36
Komentarze · 2
Great video!
23 sierpnia 2022