Tati Yuri
I'm a teacher and the gratitude the students have towards me after a lesson is what drives me. Their gratitude is because they learned something and I was their tool in the process. There's no better feeling than helping someone achieve their goals. Can anyone help me say this is Japanese, please!
16 cze 2021 00:34
Poprawki · 1
I'm a teacher and the gratitude the students have towards me after a lesson is what drives me. Their gratitude is because they learned something and I was their tool in the process. There's no better feeling than helping someone achieve their goals. Can anyone help me say this is Japanese, please!
私は教師ですが、レッスンの後、生徒が私に対して感謝することが私の原動力になっています。生徒が何かを学び、私はその過程で彼らの道具となったからです。誰かが目標を達成するのを手伝うのは、最高の喜びです。 誰かこれを日本語で言ってくれる人、いませんか? I’m a native Japanese speaker and also a teacher. I’m glad if it could help you.
8 maja 2022
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