Tony Huynh
This picture was made in the Ca Mau cape of Vietnam. Far away is the Hoan Khoai island, standing on the cape you can see a large mangroves behind the sea wall with very big waves hit. The green of forest covers area, you also have opportunity to admire sun shine and sun set in the mass surface of the see. If all of you have free time I would like to invite you to visit Vietnam in general and Ca Mau Cape particular. Warmly!
4 wrz 2020 15:28
Poprawki · 6
Samantha Wan
This picture was madetaken in the Ca Mau cape of Vietnam. Fa Further away is the Hoan Khoai iIsland,. When standing on the cape, you can see athe large mangroves behind the sea wall with very big waves hit. There the large waves hit. You can see the green of the forest covers area, you alsoand have an opportunity to admire the sun shine and sun set within the massreflective surface of the see. If all oa. If you have free time, I would like to invite you to visit Vietnam in general andparticular, Ca Mau Cape particular. Warmly!to experience its amazing beauty.
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I hope the corrections help you 🤓
4 września 2020
Pokaż więcej
Tony HuynhSamantha Wan
yes, it is noted, thank you so much for your kindly help
5 września 2020 · Odpowiedź
Samantha WanTony Huynh
Hi Tony, you’re very welcome. In this context, it would be ”kind help”. When you add the suffix ”ly” it changes the noun ”kind” into an adjective ”kindly” which wouldn't be used in this context.🤓 You could instead say, ”Thank you kindly for your help.”
5 września 2020 · Odpowiedź
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