Present Simple or Present Pefrect.

can you tell me what different between Present Simple and Present Pefrect? i do not get it(

17 sty 2016 16:32
Komentarze · 5

*Present Perfect

17 stycznia 2016

*Present Perfect

17 stycznia 2016

Present simple  is used whe we tall about fast, time table and  state while present perfect we used when to talk about the past but with relevance to the future, the action is important not when you did it (the time is not important) and we do not use time adverbs witn  the presente perfect. We only use have whith the past simple.

17 stycznia 2016

Present smilpe mean he works

present perfect he have done his work

17 stycznia 2016

simple present means sub+verb+obj

ex: i like music,i come to office,i smoke,i drink water


present perfect means:sub+have/has+v3+obj

when we complete just now it will use


i have comleted work(that work just completed now)

she has left office



17 stycznia 2016