Learning Article : 10 Useful Telephone Phrasal Verbs

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"Hold on, I need a second." Hold on? Hold on to what? What does holding on to something have to do with needing time? Often, native English speakers say these phrases without realizing that it could be difficult for non-native speakers to understand that phrases like 'hold on' are not being used in the literal sense. There are many other phrases similarly used, but let's take a look at some that might come up during a telephone conversation.

8 lut 2016 00:00
Komentarze · 9
<pre class="tw-data-text vk_txt tw-ta tw-text-small" data-placeholder="Tradução" id="tw-target-text" data-fulltext="" dir="ltr" style="unicode-bidi: isolate; font-family: inherit; border: none; padding: 0px 0.14em 0px 0px; position: relative; margin-bottom: 0px; resize: none; overflow: hidden; width: 237.5px; white-space: pre-wrap; color: rgb(33, 33, 33); height: 48px; font-size: 16px !important; line-height: 24px !important; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">I am a beginner in ingle study an found it very good content</pre><pre class="tw-data-text vk_txt tw-ta tw-text-small" data-placeholder="Tradução" id="tw-target-text" data-fulltext="" dir="ltr" style="unicode-bidi: isolate; font-family: inherit; border: none; padding: 0px 0.14em 0px 0px; position: relative; margin-bottom: 0px; resize: none; overflow: hidden; width: 237.5px; white-space: pre-wrap; color: rgb(33, 33, 33); height: 48px; font-size: 16px !important; line-height: 24px !important; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">
8 lutego 2016
Interesting article Anna, you really did your homework and hit the nail right on the head. I and you, use many of the phrases mentioned, and thanks for informing those studying English.
8 lutego 2016
The practicality of your article blew me away! Such contextual learning is amazing for the students. Great inspiration for me as an English teacher. Kudos to you
1 sierpnia 2017
28 maja 2016
Thank Dear, This article was a great information, I'm learning English and the Phrasal Verbs always have been a huge problem to learn, Thank You
17 lutego 2016
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