Pronounce "R" in French

It's really hard to pronounce "R"

Is there any good youtube video or other material that i can practice with?


22 paź 2014 11:39
Komentarze · 10

"I dont know if this will help but the sound is as if when your throat is itching and youre trying to itch it by making weird sounds with your saliva ahahaha"


22 października 2014

we will still understand you even if the r isnt well prononce, we are used to this problem as almost all foreign languages have the same problem with the r pronunciation :) some people prononce it more than others it depends on the country and the regions within this country! Don't stress over it :)
I dont know if this will help but the sound is as if when your throat is itching and youre trying to itch it by making weird sounds with your saliva ahahaha

22 października 2014

Hey Seungmi,

I started taking French classes a couple of weeks ago and our tutor was quite adament about us learning to pronounce the French 'R' properly. I practiced with a few videos I searched up on Youtube for about 15 minutes (because I'm lazy lol) and can now pronounce the 'r' when it's placed in the middle of words. My teacher commended me on my pronunciation afterwards, so I do believe these videos will be quite helpful to you. Check them out, hope they help :)


These two are my favorite:

Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZ3jeAU3VDk

Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqFwB9q3gLw


and here are some others that have been helpful to me:





22 października 2014

As long you pronunce it, don't bother with that. There are dozens of parts in the french speakers's world where you can hear different "R" pronunciations

27 października 2014

put a finger deep in your mouth and say "aaaaaaaaaaa".. it should sound like "RRRRR"

27 października 2014
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