Best resources to learn Arabic

I use the website lingq from time to time. On that website there is a challenge called "Learn a Language intensively for 90 days." You choose a language and learn it for 90 days. At the end of the challenge you post your results. My friend and I were discussing doing this challenge this summer with Arabic. What are some good resources to learn Arabic? Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.


Would you also recommend learning a specific dialect like Egyptian or Standard Arabic?

22 mar 2015 18:32
Komentarze · 6

I seriously doubt if it's possible to learn a language in 90 days, especially Arabic!

anyway, here is a good website to start with:


good luck and have a great summer!

22 marca 2015

Not necessarily in this order but you need to do the following (it's not an exhaustive list so anyone reading, please feel free to add to it)


1) Find some decent language partners, 1 is good enough if they can spare you the time you need. Add more as required. Don't just add people at random, be ruthless in your selection

2) Make a study plan and stick to it

3) Learn to read and find childrens books or short facebook posts/cartoons to read

4) Find youtube clips (especially ones with ARABIC subtitles)

5) Carry a notebook around with you and write down new vocab

6) practice practice practice :)


These things have helped me a lot, I still have a long way to go though.  90 days is ambitious.  I chose Modern Standard Arabic, and I would recommend that to you too.    Feel free to message me if you need advice or ever want to practice.


Oh, and lastly, good luck!


23 marca 2015

Visit kat.pH and search for Arabic language learning pack 

Picking up a free partner will help you more than reading try to find one 

23 marca 2015

First, you must learn Alphabet then, you would try to read simple sentence , after that try reading paragraphs in Arabic. if you was good at reading, try to speak to native Arabic speakers and you will be good at Arabic.
You should be taught alphabet, speaking and writing by Arabic speaker.

Good luck :)  

22 marca 2015

there's some universities which teach Arabic but to make it easier they teach the Syrian dialect


for me it's the same difficulty to learn basic or Syrian

*I am a native Arabic speaker*

Good luck :)

22 marca 2015
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