“Crochet"是什么? 中国人非常问我的爱好。我说,我喜欢crochet。但是他们不知道crochet。 我的中文词典说,crochet是"钩针编织"。我觉得钩针编织比较少在中国。 我不知道。。。 我编织手套,毯子,钱包,等等。 我觉得钩针编织好玩的。大家应该试试钩针编织。 (不好意思,我的照片不太好。)
17 paź 2012 05:29
Poprawki · 8







Lesley, if I were you, I'll write the following, then you can compare:




我觉得钩针编织好玩的。大家应该试试哦!(saying钩针编织 here causes wordiness)


19 października 2012
Yes, I checked on net just now. "织毛线" is a word. But there are some websites named as "手工编织", I'm not sure it could be followed immediately. At least I can't. Maybe it is kind of formal or ambiguous. I see some people say "编织毛线", it is easier to follow. Or I guess you can simply say “我喜欢手工针织”. Anyway we call that kind of knitting needles as 毛衣针 or 织针. (毛衣针 is more common. It doesn't must mean 织 "毛衣". It could be anything.)
17 października 2012
不就是“打毛衣”麽?But now we prefer to say “织毛衣”. It was popular when I was a child, but it's even once poplular again during my uni.. (in 2007 more or less.) Because some girls believed that if they corcheted a scarf by themselves, it was show more genuine than those which were bought. They called it as "织围巾". I guess you could add some special objects to "织", like, 我喜欢织点小东西,围巾啊、毯子啊、手套啊,等。or maybe you can say 我喜欢用毛线勾点围巾、毯子、手套等小东西。etc. They will understand immedietly. But seems we don't have a special word to instead "crochet". Maybe "织毛线"? I'm not sure.
17 października 2012






nice picture


17 października 2012


查了中文词典(My dictionary says ... This English structure is not used in Chinese.),crochet是"钩针编织"。我觉得中国人很少钩针编织

编织手套,毯子,钱包,等等。 ("I speak Chinese." This means Chinese is the language used in my daily communication, and I can communicate with you in Chinese. 我说中文。 This means I am speaking Chinese. 我说中文。means I speak Chinese. English uses "present tense" to describe something you do regularly. Chinese uses some words to convey the same meaning. So you can say 我经常or会or喜欢编制bla bla)




我喜欢crochet => 我喜欢编制一些小玩意儿。

Many Chinese crochet and knit a lot to save money or for the sake of it, especially the aged.

However, "钩针编织" isn't a common word because it is a technical term.

Think about it: I like eating bean curd.  I drink H2O(Do these sound natural?)

I like eating tofu. I drink water.

"钩针编织" is technical term, "编织" and "织" are everyday Chinese.

In addition, 我喜欢编织 sounds incomplete in Chinese. So I added an object.

17 października 2012
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