Mexican Spanish
Vaccine The last week I was sick, I went with a doctor and he prescribed me a vaccination. I asked to my mom apply it to me, but when my mom read the instructive she realises that the medicament is a vaccine and it must be applied in the arm because it is a intradermal vaccine. My mom only have practice in intramuscular vaccination, then right now I am searching someone who can apply it. In Mexico is very difficult get someone that applies vaccines because generally they work in a public institution and they don't accept apply medicine from private institution. I think that I will ask it to my uncle, he is nurse and he works in a public institution. I am sure he will help me!
28 lip 2014 17:50
Poprawki · 1


The Last week I was sick, (so) I went to a/the (I think "the" sounds more natural) doctor and he prescribed me a vaccination. I asked to my mom to apply it to me, but when my mom/she read the instructions she realised that the medication was a intramuscular vaccine and it must be applied to the arm. My mom only has experience in intramuscular vaccination. So right now I am searching for someone who can apply it.

In Mexico, it is very difficult to find someone who can apply vaccines, because generally they work in a  (it sounds better to drop the "a" here because you are speaking generally) public institutions and (they) don't accept or apply medicine from private institutions. I think that I will ask it to my uncle, he is a nurse and he works in a (it is okay to use "a" here because you are talking about a specific person; your uncle) public institution. I am sure he will help me!


Buen hecho!  Vas bien, sigue así! 

28 lipca 2014
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