J Square
IELTS Writing Task 1 (Academic Module) Pie Chart Please rate my take on this sample. The pie charts illustrate the primary reasons of coming in and out to UK in 2007. In general, despite of the various factors for migration to/from the UK, landing a definite job takes the biggest proportion. Specifically, having a job accounted the largest percentage in migrating to UK, similarly in emigration with 30% and 29% respectively. A large number of people departed to UK, 22%, because they were looking for a job, though only 12% of the total population coming in for the same purpose. Another contributing factor that influenced people to transfer to UK was formal education at just over of a quarter, however, surprisingly, a minority (4%) flee to UK for this. In addition, both immigration and emigration shares almost the same percentage at 15% (less than a fifth) and 13% in order, to join or accompanying their family member. A total of 32% for those with "other" reasons or did not give reason why they emigrated, this accounted for only 17% with regards to immigration.
22 sty 2015 13:16
Poprawki · 1

IELTS Writing Task 1 (Academic Module) Pie Chart

Please rate my take on this sample.

The pie charts illustrate the primary reasons of coming in and out to UK in 2007.

In general, despite of the various factors for migration to/from the UK, landing a definite job takes the biggest proportion.

Specifically, having a job accounted the largest percentage in migrating to UK, similarly in emigration with 30% and 29% respectively. A large number of people departed to UK, 22%, because they were looking for a job, though only 12% of the total population coming in for the same purpose.

Another contributing factor that influenced people to transfer to UK was formal education at just over of a quarter, however, surprisingly, a minority (4%) flee to UK for this.

In addition, both immigration and emigration shares almost the same percentage at 15% (less than a fifth) and 13% in order, to join or accompanying their family member. A total of 32% for those with "other" reasons or did not give reasons why they emigrated, this accounted for only 17% with regards to immigration.

22 stycznia 2015
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