有没有区别 --> 那里, 那儿, 那边
在那里 = over there那儿、那里 are the same , but 那儿 is used more often.
I looked up the dictionary, there are two meanings:
1. Used with 这儿、这里 (here), mean the place far from the person:
Example: 那儿/那里/那边没有人。There is no one there.
他这儿瞧瞧, 那儿望望。He looks at everywhere. (Literally: He looks at here and there.)
2. mean the indicated places ( Sometimes with the gesture ):
Example: 警察局在那儿/那里/那边吗?Is the Police Station over there?
那边 literally means the other side; over there; there ( the person/object is not here):
Example: 山的那边是海。On the other side of the mountain is sea. !!!In this case you cannot exchange the 那边 for the other 2 words, it means the other side.
Also, people from the south of China don't like 这儿 , because the 儿 is hard to pronounce for most of them. They often say 那里,那边, but you can say them all to express "there".
有没有区别 --> 那里, 那儿, 那边
在那里 = over there客观上讲,这三个词没有任何区别,你怎样翻译都可以,但是从说话人的主观态度上讲,这三个词略有区别:对同一个地方,说话人说“那里”表明他感觉那个地方有一定的面积,“那儿”表明他不关心那个地方的面积,“那边”表明说话人感觉那个地方与这个地方之间有一段间隔。
在那里 over there / where there be / there
1.请问警察局在哪里? can you tell me where is the police station?
就在那里/那边/那儿。it's right over there.
2.从前有一座森林,在那里,居住着一位法力高强的女巫。 Once upon a time there is a forest, where there lives a powerful witch.
3. 你确定你要去那里? are you sure that u want to go there?
在那边 over there
在那儿 over there ( oral speaking , specially Beijing tone)