Yuli (HSK/Adult/Kid)
Profesjonalny nauczyciel
In this episode we are going to learn a Real Chinese Conversation【Buying milk tea】. -------------------------------------------------- Step 1: Listen and catch the words you know already, have a guess about the content. Step 2: Check the script to learn one by one. Step 3: Listen and repeat after it. Step 4: Practice until you can perform the dialogue. -------------------------------------------------- 店员/diànyuán/clerk; 顾客/gùkè/customer 店员: 欢迎光临。请(在)这边点单。 huān yíng guāng lín 。 qǐng ( zài ) zhè biān diǎn dān 。 Welcome. Please order over here. 顾客: 有什么推荐的吗? yǒu shén me tuī jiàn de ma ? Do you have any recommendations? 店员: 您喜欢喝奶茶还是果茶? nín xǐ huān hē nǎi chá hái shì guǒ chá ? Do you prefer milk tea or fruit tea? 顾客: 奶茶吧。 nǎi chá ba 。 Milk tea. 店员: 茉莉奶绿是我们的招牌,您可以试一下。 mò lì nǎi lǜ shì wǒ men de zhāo pái , nín kě yǐ shì yí xià 。 Jasmine Milk Green(tea) is our specialty. You can try it. 顾客: 是加了茉莉花和绿茶吗? shì jiā le mò lì huā hé lǜ chá ma ? Is it with jasmine and green tea? 店员: 是的。 shì de 。 Yes, it is. 顾客: 那来一杯吧。 nà lái yì bēi ba 。 I'll have a cup. 店员: 您要热的还是冰的? nín yào rè de hái shì bīng de ? Would you like it hot or iced? 顾客: 冰的,可以少冰吗? bīng de , kě yǐ shǎo bīng ma ? Iced. Can I have less ice? 店员: 没问题。您要大杯、中杯还是小杯? méi wèn tí 。 nín yào dà bēi 、 zhōng bēi hái shì xiǎo bēi ? No problem. Would you like a large, medium or small? 顾客: 中杯。 zhōng bēi 。 Medium. 店员: 我们有全糖、7分糖、5分糖、3分糖,也可以去糖。 wǒ men yǒu quán táng 、qī fēn táng 、wǔ fēn táng 、sān fēn táng , yě kě yǐ qù táng 。 We have full sugar, 70% sugar, 50% sugar, 30% percent sugar, or without sugar. 顾客: 7分糖吧。 qī fēn táng ba 。 70% sugar. 店员: 要加珍珠吗? yào jiā zhēn zhū ma ? Add tapioca? 顾客: 要的。 yào de 。 Yes. 店员: 好的。在这儿喝还是打包? hǎo de 。 zài zhè ér hē hái shì dǎ bāo ? Okay.Drink it here or takeaway? 顾客: 打包。 dǎ bāo 。 Takeaway.
买奶茶 Buying milk tea (Beginner)
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12 maj 2024 08:46