What does todo been mean? I don't know how to use "todo" like this but does it means "do you like it?"? It used in restaurant. I thought he just ask after her (todo bien?) at dinner but he said same word again.
27 cze 2012 02:36
Odpowiedzi · 6
You are right. "¿Todo bien?" may mean, in the context you are talking about, "do you like it?", "did you enjoy the meal?". Literally, it means "Is everything OK?". A possible answer is "Todo bien", meaning "everything is OK" or "everything is fine".
27 czerwca 2012
todo =all/everything bien = well/fine/good/alright
27 czerwca 2012
todo = all bien = good todo bien = all right
27 czerwca 2012
It can mean all, everything or even everyone.
7 listopada 2013
todo = all
27 czerwca 2012
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