How to say ‘early afternoon and so on in Chinese? I know 下午 and 晚上 are afternoon, but how do you express things like late or early afternoon/evening using Chinese? For example: I slept from late afternoon to early evening. I saw Jill in the early afternoon.
26 gru 2013 00:45
Odpowiedzi · 9
你可以这样说: I slept from late afternoon to early evening. 我从太阳快下山(快到晚上,或傍晚)的时候睡到天黑。 I saw Jill in the early afternoon. 刚过中午的时候我看到Jill了。 事实上这种词很难找到对应的说法。比较常用也容易的说法是,…点左右。 如: 下午三点左右我看到Jill了。
26 grudnia 2013
27 grudnia 2013
early afternoon:大清早
26 grudnia 2013
我们不太说:下午稍早时候(early afternoon)或下午晚些时候(late afternoon),比较常说下午2、3点或下午4、5点钟,这种直接表达时间的方法。 或者可用午后(即中午过后,大概下午1、2点左右。这种说法比较文雅,口语就说:过了中午),或傍晚(大概5、6点钟天黑以前)来表达。
30 grudnia 2013
for 'I slept from late afternoon to early evening', there is no corresponding sentence in chinese. You can say'我从下午5点一直睡到晚上8点'.
27 grudnia 2013
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